What is the Texas Public Health Coalition?
The Texas Public Health Coalition consists of more than 30 health professional organizations and health-focused organizations dedicated to disease prevention and health promotion.
The coalition works to reduce preventable disease by advancing effective public policies that promote a safe and healthy environment and healthy behaviors for all Texans.
Check out these past statements/updates to stay informed and prepared.
Jun 24, 2022
Statement FROM TPHC CHAIR JASON V. TERK, MD REGARDING the epidemic of Gun Violence:
“The Texas Public Health Coalition recognizes much needs to be done to stop the epidemic of gun violence; a failure to acknowledge that fact violates the conscience and dishonors the memories and vanished legacies of the countless lives lost unnecessarily to gun violence. Safe firearm ownership is essential to preventing the horrific and increasing massacres of innocents, many of which have occurred with deadly high-capacity assault weapons which are widely available. The coalition is supportive of more research and comprehensive evidence-based practices that will reduce the number of injuries, fatalities, and other negative outcomes associated with gun violence.”
Texas Public Health Priorities
Public Health Infrastructure
The pandemic has shed light on just how much Texas' economy, way of life, and well-being depends on the strength of our public health infrastructure.
chronic disease
COVID-19 shed light on just how chronic diseases leave Texans more vulnerable to poor health outcomes and death. Keeping Texans healthy wherever they live, learn, work, and play can prevent chronic disease and save lives. TPHC supports the efforts of Partnership for a Healthy Texas to prevent chronic disease and obesity in Texas.
Maternal Health
Too many pregnant women and new mothers experience preventable morbidity and/or mortality. We aim to make it safe to be a mom in Texas.
Infectious Disease
Vaccines are safe, cost-effective, and proven to protect people from potentially deadly infectious diseases. Higher vaccination rates can protect vulnerable Texans from harm and strengthening Texas' immunization registry is a top priority.
Tobacco & E-cigarette Use
Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable disease and premature death in Texas, and new electronic vapor products continue to entice youth.
Texas' low spending on public health shows in our health outcomes. When we fail to invest in public health, Texans pay the price.
Behavioral Health
Suicide rates are increasing, and suicide is among the top five causes of death in Texas. Preventing suicide must be a priority. It is vital to have open conversations about mental health and suicide prevention to reduce stigma and save lives.
“Public health saved your life today, you just didn’t know it.”
Want to join the coalition?
Use the form below to submit a membership inquiry. Please note that we only accept applications from health-oriented organizations to become members, not individuals.
[ATTENTION: The application form is now closed until June 2025. Thank you!]